Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mondays, the kids and where do we want to go next?


I'm thinking of the song "Monday Monday" by the "Mamas and the Papas". I'm thinking of this song because tomorrow is Monday. It seems like it was just Friday and I was posting "T.G.I.F." on my facebook page. Time goes by way too fast on the weekend and what really sucks for me is that I didn't really have any fun. So, I can't say "time flies when you're having fun" because I didn't do anything. Jim and I were talking about going to a movie but the only thing we ended up doing was taking some pictures at the park. Well, okay I lied--just a little lie---that was fun.


Oh! I have some exciting news about Andrew. He is going to another school this year. I posted on my previous post that he hated his school and wanted to go anywhere but there. Well, I applied for him to go to another school and he got in. Last year he took the test (twice actually, accidentally) to get into the AP program (Advanced Placement) and he passed the test. So he will be in the AP Program at this new school. I'm hoping that going to this new school will be a positive thing for him and it will help him have a life outside his bedroom. I'm pretty sure he will be challenged this year as he is taking Advanced Chemistry. All last year he said he didn't learn anything because everything they taught he already knew. Andrew has never taken Chemistry--let alone ADVANCED Chemistry. Hopefully this won't be a problem for him and I'm so thankful his dad took Chemistry in college because he will be able to help him. Me? I barely passed Pre-Algebra so I'm useless. LOL


Melissa graduated from high school last year and she surprised us all by graduating at the top ten percent of her class. We are so proud of her. At the end of her senior year she got a job at Catos. She enjoys having money of her own and she spent her summer working and hanging out with her friends. She even managed to get a boyfriend that her dad and I do not care for at all, but are trying not to voice our opinion about. What's wrong with this guy? Well, first things first. Melissa is still a babe in the woods to me and her dad. She's just starting out in life and she's only 18 years old. This guy is 23 years old with his own apartment. We all know what 23 year old guys with their own apartment want: Sex. The second thing is his sense of humor. He has a crazy sense of humor that won't quit. There is nothing wrong with a sense of humor but this guy isn't serious about anything, and that includes a job, which brings us to our third reason. This guy has had 12 jobs and he's 23 years old. He was working when he met Melissa but has since been fired because he called in to work way too many times. For some odd reason, employers hire their employees so they will show up for work. Go figure. The fourth thing is, he's not a Christian. Melissa's faith is very important to her and she takes it seriously. This guy who is never serious about anything doesn't. I try not to say anything to Melissa because I know this will only make him more attractive to her but there are times when she'll say something and I have to put my two cents worth in. This doesn't end well so I promise myself I won't say anything anymore. So far so good. Well, she informed me the other day that she is thinking of breaking up with him and if she does my prayers will be answered.


Me and Jim are doing fine. We both are at a crossroad in our life on what to do next with our jobs and activities and such. We are talking out traveling a little more without the kids. We have already done it once. We went to Cumberland Falls and had the best time. It felt weird getting in the car and driving for two hours, just the two of us. The last time we did that was before we had kids. We will definitely be doing that again, we just have to figure out our next destination.

Well, that's it for now. I have to get in the shower and figure out what to wear for that dreadful Monday. Maybe it won't be so bad. It doesn't have to be a bad Monday, does it? It's all about the outlook. So my outlook on Monday is this: it doesn't have to maybe it won't.